Wednesday, 31 October 2007

as requested

here are the layout designs i did the other day. can we get the site map and other peoples stuff on here aswell!!! it seems to be just me and mark who use this site! let me see what you have done!
the second image is showing what i mean by contents on lined paper. what do you think?

Just an idea

guys i was thinking the site could look good if it looked like pages in a not book. the attachment explains better then me. take a look!

Sunday, 28 October 2007


Yeah i have done similar sort of thing too,
i like the idea of the tram moving through the ear at the beginnin of the site on the opening screen...


here is an example of part of the city square view i have i different media we 'could' use for our background.
also i have a few layouts posted.
post yours guys asap!

Thursday, 25 October 2007

web research [take a look] this shows some good modern sites, might be worth checking!

Also this site says the top 10 mistakes made in web design also good to know!

this is a good example of a working blog. i found this online, its for a company called spoongraphics their website is

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Title Page

hey guys i have had a quick go at looking at a tile page of the site and was thinking of a logo/piece of type for the front page. just thought i'd show u guys!

Tuesday, 23 October 2007


hey guys!!! sorry for my lack of blogging!! i still have no internet so i havent had much blog access so ill try and get something on here asap!!!!....also the good news that i plan on not going home ill this week so ill be working away!!!!

Just a quick line drawing ive done of some hands, signing...

more pics

here's some photos i took around the marketplace. we found that there was only 7 places that used the Induction Loop System out of 26 places...

By the way that animation is pretty cool steven!
Rite well the latest update is...
Basically came in on monday and had to do our dot and pin excersice, the target from that is to give some direction to ur information for our site, i hadnt managed to get and research together over the week end because of work and stuff but anyway we didnt have our angle or content so what we did with the help of the tutors is worked out another take on our work. We came up with the idea of Deaf peoples interaction with nottingham and raise awareness to how Deaf friendly nottingham is... So today (tuesday 23rd) we've (me and Alison) bin out and taken some photos and collected some sounds from arround nottingham and we are just uploading them now. We'll see ya at the workshop...

Mark and Alison

Monday, 22 October 2007

hey i've made some short flash animations and im trying to upload them now hope they work.
take a gander


hey guys sorry i had to go home earlier. i hope you dont think im leaving you in the shit. i feel really rough and thought the best place for me is at home! let me know what you decide/do/needs doing tonight on here and i'll do it.
sorry guys.
p.s its not a hangover! haha

Sunday, 21 October 2007


Hey, i was thinking we could do a series of different gestures that we see around the city.. eg. traffic signalling, gestures when at a bar, how people communicate when their far away from eachother, the various greetings people give eachother.. and so on..
what do you think?

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Hands Advert

I dont wanna go too crazy with the video post but this is the Learning and Skills Councils Advert and i think that this a really interesting use of hands as objects, and being used as with visual metaphors...

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Just before bed...

I was just watchin the music channels and this came on by Mika and i thought it mite just be worth a mention to see what ppl thought...